Dear Parents,
I just wanted to give you a quick update on where we’re up to with our preparations for opening wider from tomorrow. I have been informed that our School Crossing Patrol will be back on Tuesday 16
th June 2020. Please keep the 2m distance from Anne and from each other whilst crossing the road.
Next, the children in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 will be able to join us on Fridays, as well as the key workers. The deep clean is happening after school, we have enough staff in to cover everybody and we don’t have to put our key worker children together at all. I know that this is a difficult time for everybody, and really appreciate your support as we change plans. The aim is always to follow the guidelines as closely as possible to keep everyone safe.
We have sent out a Dojo stating times and entrances for different bubbles. They are as follows:
A: arrive 8:50 depart 3:20 HT office
B: arrive 8:50 depart 3:10 Main top door
C: arrive 9:00 depart 3:20 Main bottom door
D: arrive 9:00 depart 3:10 EYFS side entrance
Bubble A is Year 6 children and Year 5 key workers.
Bubble B is Year 2, 3 and 4 key workers.
Bubble C is Year 1 children.
Bubble D is Nursery and Reception children.
It is extremely important that parents maintain social distancing when on site and do not enter the school at all. I will be outside on Monday morning to help guide parents should you need it.
What can Parents/Carers do to help minimise risk in school?
1.Controlling the Virus.
In line with NHS and government advice, parents should keep children at home if they develop coronavirus symptoms for a period of seven days. Symptoms include a high temperature OR a new, continuous cough OR a loss of, or change to, sense of taste or smell. Where symptoms continue after seven days, or begin to worsen, parents should call 111. If someone in the child’s household has symptoms, the child must self-isolate for 14 days from the day that person’s symptoms started. This is because it can take 14 days for symptoms to appear. More information regarding symptoms and actions can be found on the NHS website(
2.Reinforcing Good Hygiene Messages.
Encourage children to wash their hands regularly for at least 20 seconds using soap and water. Encourage children to wash their hands before setting off for school and on arrival home from school.
Talk to children about using a tissue to catch coughs and sneezes and throwing the tissue away afterwards. An easy way to remember this message is Catch It. Bin It. Kill it. If your child doesn’t have a tissue, talk to them about coughing or sneezing into their elbow.
3.Social Distancing.
When bringing children to school please ensure they are only accompanied by one adult. Stay two metres away from others when taking children to and from school, and when waiting for children on site.
As always, we are here if you need us (01663 744103 or
Keep safe and well, and we’re all looking forward to seeing many more of you soon.
Mrs Taylor