Each academic year there is a maximum number of 20 places available to new entrants. The Education Authority determines these figures. These figures do not automatically guarantee an offer of a place at Furness Vale Primary and Nursery School.
Admissions Criteria
1. Children in care.
2. Children living in the normal area served by the school at the time of application.
3. Children with siblings in school.
4. Other children whose parents have requested a place. Preference is given to children living nearest to the school, measured by the shortest available route.
Places are allocated according to these ordered criteria.
Admission to the Reception Class
Our standard number for the reception class is 20 pupils and we are unable to admit pupils above this number. If requests for admission are above 20 and you have not been offered a place, please contact the Local Authority, which co-ordinates admissions to all Derbyshire Primary, Infant and Junior Schools. Essentially the Authority acts as a ‘clearing house’ for all admissions and enables parents to express a preference for one, two or three schools and to place those preferences in rank order. Parents must make their application on a common application form, preferably on-line, to be returned direct to the LA, and give reasons for their preferred schools.
Whilst the Local Authority prefers parents to apply on-line (at, some application forms are available from schools and other public establishments from the end of October. Applications may also be made by phone (08456 058058). At the beginning of May, parents will be offered one place only in a Derbyshire School.
Further information about the co-ordinated admissions scheme is available in the Authority’s Parents’ Information Booklet – ‘How to Apply for a Place at Primary School’.