At Furness Vale Primary School we aim to provide the best quality learning experiences for all our children in a safe, secure, caring and welcoming atmosphere. It is a place in which children are challenged to become self-confident, independent learners, making good progress to achieve their potential, whatever their starting-point, skills and abilities. There are high expectations in terms of behaviour and learning. We foster respect for and understanding of others within our school and local community, and in the wider world. Children know that they can talk to the adults in school, and that bullying will not be tolerated.
The team of staff work together to maintain the caring and nurturing ethos, culture and values that make our school special. We actively welcome parents as partners in their children’s learning, and aim to provide opportunities for constructive feedback about their children’s progress. We regularly ask parents for their opinions of the school and how well their children are learning and what we can do to make their experiences even better.
The Governing Board plays an informed, active part in running the school, making a difference to the educational experiences of our children. The governors are made up of a group of people who care passionately about the school. Many of the board members are parents of children who are either in the school now or have been in the past. All the governors care about the well-being and education the children receive. They are supportive and challenging and provide the school with that extra layer of security and accountability.