A cooked meal is available at lunchtime if required. Dinner money is payable on Monday morning and you are requested to send the correct money in a clearly labelled envelope with the child’s name, class and the amount. Cheques should be made payable to Derbyshire County Council.
From September 2014 ALL pupils in Reception, Year 1 and 2 will be entitled to a Free School Meal.
Please tell us if your child has special dietary requirements and if they are allergic to any foods, colouring agents or preservatives. School meals may not be appropriate under these circumstances but we are able to provide vegetarian choices. Dinners are ordered a week in advance so if you want your child to start having school meals we must be notified a week ahead. If you want your child to change from school dinners to sandwiches, or vice versa, please give a full week’s notice, in writing.
If you think your child may be entitled to free school meals, then we encourage you to apply. Application forms for Free Meals are available from the School Office.
Facilities exist for sandwich lunches and the children are allowed to bring plastic flasks. Lunch boxes and flasks must be clearly labelled with the child’s name. These should be left in the appropriate storage area.
Children are in the care of midday supervisors at lunchtime and a member of staff is always available if the need arises.
Mid-morning Snack
Infant children are provided with fruit mid-morning free of charge. Healthy snacks may be brought as an alternative but ONLY fruit, fresh or dried, seeds and unsalted nuts are encouraged. Children are taught about having a balanced diet.