The School follows all the subjects of the New National Curriculum with the exception of Early Years where the Reception children follow the Foundation Stage curriculum.
Core Subjects
Foundation Subjects
Information and Communication Technology
Design and Technology
Modern Foreign Language (Spanish)
Physical Education
Compulsory Subject
Religious Education
Other Subjects
Personal, Social, Health & Citizenship Education (PSHE)
Every class has a daily Literacy Lesson. This involves reading or writing together as a class; a study of phonics, punctuation or grammar; group activities (which may include working with the teacher or independently) and a review session. In addition to the Literacy Lesson the school also holds individual and group reading sessions, and lessons which focus on longer pieces of writing. Mrs Guy is the Coordinator for English and can answer any questions you might have.
The school uses the New National Curriculum as a basis for its mathematics teaching. Each class has a daily maths lesson, which consists of a mental mathematics session, teacher instruction, activities for the children and a review session. Children are taught as a class, in similar-ability groups, and at times individually and work is planned with the children’s abilities in mind. Topics are carefully mapped out through the year so that there is complete coverage. Mrs Taylor is the Coordinator for Numeracy and can be contacted if you have any questions.
Scientific study covers four main areas:
- Experimental & investigative science
- Life & living processes
- Materials and their properties
- Physical processes
Our aim is to help children increase their knowledge of the world and to develop skills of observation, recording, analysis and interpretation through scientific investigations.
Design & Technology
Children study 3 Design and Technology projects per year. These cover areas such as textiles, food, structures, mechanisms and electrical control, and the scheme of work ensures that there is a progression of skills.
History and Geography
History and Geography are taught through topics. These are chosen to provide both breadth and depth of learning, and are adapted to meet the needs of the children.
Teachers use National Curriculum Programmes of Study to inform their planning. They also consider the children’s interests when planning which topics to do and always have a ‘Hook for Learning’ to engage the children.
This programme is reviewed annually to ensure that it meets the needs of the children and the requirements of the National Curriculum.
Information & Communication Technology
We have a comprehensive scheme of work with all the software needed to deliver it. By the end of Year 6, children can use the Internet to make a complex search, produce a PowerPoint Presentation, solve problems by using a formula on a spreadsheet and control a set of traffic lights! (Hopefully not the ones on the A6!)
ICT is also encountered in most curriculum areas, and the children are becoming increasingly confident in its use.
Music is taught throughout the school within the framework of the National Curriculum. We are, however, very enthusiastic to offer a wider range of music and are pleased to be able to offer lessons in Recorder, Hand Bells and Glee Club. Our Christmas and Summer Productions are renowned successes.
Creative ability is developed in Art as well as other subjects. Children are able to experience a range of 2D and 3D media at the same time as being taught the necessary skills. Art work is displayed around the school.
Physical Education
We use our main room for indoor physical education, dance and drama. We make full use of our yard, the village all-weather court and village field for games activities, for example: football, netball, tennis, rounders, cricket and athletics. We do the Golden Mile daily and actively encourage children to become fitter.
Swimming lessons are also provided as part of the National Curriculum. Children are taught to:
- swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres
- use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke]
- perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations
Pegs Cluster And High Peak School Sports Partnership
We take an active part in local sporting events and compete with other schools in galas, tournaments and competitions. The rounders match between a staff & parents team and the Year 6 leavers at the end of the summer term has become a much-loved annual event!
Religious Education
The school follows the Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education recommended by Derbyshire LA. The syllabus is multi-faith and includes celebrations, symbols, journeys, special places, prayer and beliefs. All children are expected to participate in the lessons.
Collective Worship
Collective Worship is a statutory part of the school’s curriculum. Children participate in a daily act of collective worship, whether as a class, year group or the whole school.
Parents who wish to withdraw their child from subjects not included in the National Curriculum are asked to notify us in writing. Under these circumstances your child will be given supervised work to do in an area away from the activity in question.
At Furness Vale it is important to us that our children learn about life as well as the subjects on the National Curriculum. Children participate in at least one PSHE lesson a week, which is at all times age-sensitive. Topics covered include growing and changing, healthy living, friendship, frightening things, grieving, loving, responsibility, drugs and alcohol abuse awareness and keeping safe – to name but a few.
The school holds the Derbyshire Anti-bullying Award of Excellence. We have also achieved a Healthy School Award. This recognises that we teach a balanced range of health topics including drugs awareness, healthy eating, food hygiene and healthy living.
Health and Sex & Relationships
We have a scheme of work for Sex & Relationships Education that introduces themes and concepts across the curriculum, as appropriate for the children’s age and emotional development. Relevant themes are introduced, for example, in science, religious studies, English and PSHE.
Year 5 and 6 participate in specific lessons which focus on adolescence and growing up, including sex education.
Many aspects of health education are included in the National Curriculum. As with all areas of the curriculum, schemes of work and policies are available to you and we encourage you to discuss these with your child’s class teacher or with the Headteacher.
Parents who wish to withdraw their child from this subject are asked to notify us in writing.
Curriculum Enrichment
During the school year there are a variety of extra-curricular activities in which the children are invited to take part. These are an extension of the wide variety of activities the children already undertake in school.
These include (at different times of the year) Football, Dance, Badminton, Kwik Cricket, Hockey, Gymnastics, Recorder, Gardening and Film clubs.
We believe that the valuable time we have in school must be used to the full, and that stimulating first hand experience is vitally important for the children‘s development. We undertake a variety of interesting visits; for example to outdoor education centres, museums, theatres and to local features. We regularly invite visitors into the school to share experiences and expertise.
Progress, Records & Assessment
Individual children develop physically, mentally and emotionally at different rates. We believe we must help them to develop at their own rate and to enjoy their time in school. We must all realise that progress may vary through periods of steady development and sudden leaps and it is important for us all to support and to encourage them.
Every child’s progress and achievement is monitored; individual records are kept and progress is recorded. Targets are set for individuals and for groups. Children are assessed shortly after they enter school and are formally assessed at the end of Key Stages 1 (5-7 years of age) and 2 (7-11). Copies of annual reports to parents are kept on file in the Office.
Through close monitoring we can rapidly identify any problems and take prompt appropriate action.
We also monitor the performance and professional development of all our staff.
Parents Evenings are held twice a year when you can discuss your child’s progress, but if you are worried about anything, the teachers will be pleased to make an appointment with you to discuss your concern.
National Curriculum Tests
We are now requested to include aggregate results of National Curriculum tests in our prospectus. The results for 2017 may be found in Performance Data on the website.